Image from Carole Carreck’s interactive gamebook Star Rider
Join Dr Kirsty Bunting (introduced by Dr Paul Wake) in exploring the connections between Romance fiction and games through a live-play of Carole Carreck’s adventure gamebook Star Rider (Puffin 1985). This online event will combine discussion of Romance and games with an interactive reading of this (forgotten) classic ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ style book. The audience (‘YOU’) will choose what happens and determine the outcome - there are races, and hearts, to be won…
Dr Kirsty Bunting Kirsty writes bestselling commercial romantic fiction (as Kiley Dunbar) for publishers Hera Canelo, Audible and Saga Egmont, and was shortlisted for the RNA Romantic Comedy Novel Award 2021. She runs the #LoveWritingMCR events series with Manchester Writing School colleagues.
Dr Paul Wake is Reader in English at Manchester Metropolitan University. His research on games includes work on adventure game books, ecogames and game design.