A photograph featuring the boardgame All About Us.
About this event:
Dementia is one of the main societal challenges of the 21st century. With currently no cure, the focus is on care. Much progress has been made, particularly for the later stages of dementia. However, people with dementia feel that more support is needed for the early stages of dementia. Receiving a dementia diagnosis is trying for most people, which can leave people feeling helpless, depressed and alone, whereas with the right support, they can have fulfilling lives for many years.
The All about Us game has been co-designed and evaluated by researchers from the MinD team together with people with dementia, care partners and carers in four countries, including the UK, Germany, The Netherlands and Spain. Its aim is to provide support to people with early to mid-stage dementia, especially following the diagnosis. Based on concepts of life-storytelling and mindfulness, the game encourages players to talk about, and reflect on, their life experiences and aspirations to help payers focus on what they can and want to do with their life.
MinD project lead Kristina Niedderer, Professor of Design, Manchester Metropolitan University, will introduce the game and discuss the challenges and joys of codesigning All about Us game, before the opportunity to try out the game.
All about Us has been launched in March 2022 in collaboration between the MinD team and dementia wellbeing specialists Relish, and it is now for sale on the Relish website and via online retailers: https://relish-life.com/dementia-games/group-games/all-about-us/
Further information on the MinD project and the game’s evaluation is available from the project website: http://www.designingfordementia.eu